Plants unsafe for homes with cats and dogs
Striking tropical plant with glossy heart-shaped leaves and vibrant blooms
Stunning, low-maintenance indoor plant with variegated leaves
Striking tropical houseplant with sword-like leaves and upright growth
Striking spiky palm-like plant with dramatic red-edged sword leaves
Classic climbing vine with glossy leaves and elegant growth pattern
Dramatic tropical plant with large, violin-shaped leaves
Resilient trailing vine with heart-shaped leaves, perfect for beginners
Elegant tropical plant with dark glossy leaves and air-purifying qualities
Vibrant succulent with long-lasting blooms, perfect for indoor gardens
Fuzzy silver-green succulent with brown-tipped leaves from Madagascar
Elegant flowering houseplant known for air purification and easy care
Trailing succulent with spherical leaves resembling a beaded necklace
This drought-tolerant plant can survive months of neglect while maintaining its elegant appearance
Vibrant spring-flowering shrub with delicate blooms and rich history